Following the last post, I want to finish with the most important issue that I believe was exposed with Bill Nye’s ridiculous video by devoting a separate post to my interlocutor’s (tildeb) final comment, the gist of which is as follows: I suspect we would agree on almost everything – like family and friends and …
Category: Ground
This section of the site deals with tangible evidence that points to the existence of God. It will explore any area of scientific exploration of the universe we live in, including biology, astronomy, physics, chemistry, history, and archaeology. It will also address areas of philosophy that focus on matters of truth, goodness, and beauty that form the foundation for our ability to understand and operate in that world. Here you will find both theoretical and fact-based implications in support of the case for theism in general and Christianity in particular, as well as critiques of the assumptions of the atheist/materialist view of the world.
None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See
Recently, I posted a rebuttal to a recent video by Bill Nye, “The Science Guy” that generated more hits on my blog than any other single post I’ve ever put up. What followed (at least with one respectful commenter, tildeb) was an ongoing conversation about the differing views that Christian and secular folks have with regard to the …

Clarifying Creationist Positions
Recently, I accepted the challenge to debate a fellow Creationist about whether the Christian view of reality supports and Old Earth (OE) or Young Earth (YE) view. Part of what I promised my debate opponent (Tim Chaffey of Answers in Genesis) was that I would provide some level of information about the approach I would …
New Atheists (6); Apples To Oranges
Sam Harris despises religion — so much so that he has blinded himself to an intellectually honest assessment about the differences between them. To put that claim in context, Harris (as discussed earlier here), misunderstands the concept of condemnation to hell and, because of that misunderstanding, believes his in-your-face his chest beating has some force …
New Atheist Rebuttals (5)
Hitchens’ Childhood Epiphany Christopher Hitchens begins his screed against God and religion by recounting his awakening, as a 9-year old “insufferable little intellectual,” to the “overreaching” comment of his grade school teacher, Mrs. Watts. The statement that is burned into Hitchens’ memory from that day is this: In an attempt to … fuse her two …
New Atheist Rebuttals (4)
On My (Qualified) Agreement With Sam Harris To restate from the last post on this topic … Assertion: Sam Harris was compelled to pen The End of Faith on September 12, 2001 and wrote his Letter To A Christian Nation a few years later. He is one of a growing number who equate the travesties …
New Atheist Rebuttals (3)
On Sam Harris’ Understanding of Condemnation to Hell Assertion: In the introduction to his Letter To A Christian Nation, Harris is quick to differentiate between harmless, liberal/moderate Christians and “the religious right.” Harris scolds the former if they should cover for the latter because, by doing so, liberal/moderates “give shelter to extremists of all faiths.” …
New Atheist Rebuttals (2)
Assertion: Dawkins offers into evidence (The God Delusion, pp.16-17) further proof of his assertion that the faithful are unthinking by quoting a letter written to Albert Einstein by the president of a historical society in New Jersey that “so damningly exposes the weakness of the religious mind, it is worth reading twice:” Response: I fully …
New Atheist Rebuttals (1)
As promised earlier, this is the first in a series of rebuttals to the so-called “New Atheists.” I will try to keep them short and sweet, citing a quote or argument from their book(s), complete with a page number for reference. I will then attempt a response. Your comments are welcome … Assertion: (The God …
Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Bang?! (Part II)
It would take a larger space than I have (or could fill for that matter) to chronicle the many views of the universe’s origins that have existed through history. Suffice it to say that, because there was no scientific way to analyze or verify any of them, they stood as philosophical speculations. Plato thought that …