Tag: Evolution

Gorilla looking at science data Evolution is a myth

Why Evolution Is A Myth

Materialism is a philosophy that says matter, energy, space, and time can explain everything about the world we live in. Everything. So, it follows that if materialism is true, the only way to explain the existence of life is by rearranging the stuff we find in the physical world. That’s exactly what Darwinian Evolution purports to do. It’s …

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Man Looks Skeptical About Scientism

Defrocking The Priests Of Scientism

The way large church authorities deal with heretics hasn’t changed much over the centuries. They demand adherence to dogma. They threaten or silence those who defy the hierarchy. Finally, they excommunicate those who refuse to submit to their demands. The religion of scientism is no different. Denying its dogma will have consequences. Heresy will be punished. No …

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An Embarrassing Week For The Priests of Darwinian Scientism

It’s been a bad few days for the Priests of the Church of Darwin. First, consider the pivotal example of resistance to malaria that Michael Behe used in his book, The Edge of Evolution, to show that genetic cell mutations could not account for significant, species-protecting evolutionary improvements in a species and therefore undermined the …

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