Tag: Science

DNA Molecule

Revisiting Francis Collins – Theistic Evolution

The Language of God is a thoughtful biography of Francis Collins‘ journey from hard-core atheist to devout Christian. It’s also a well-written analysis of the relationship between science and faith. So, in the wake of recent news reports about Collins’ impending resignation as Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), I dusted off an …

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Atlanta Airport Deserted

There’s More Than One Way To “Trust The Science”

I have made the case before that scientism is a dangerous belief system. And the COVID-19 Pandemic has done nothing but prove the point. In their response to the virus, many in power exhort us to “trust the science.” Listen to the doctors. Their wisdom should guide the trajectory of our collective futures. But accepting …

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The Origin of Life

Materialism Cannot Explain the Origin of Life on Earth

As I’ve discussed elsewhere, Darwinian Evolution tells a great story. But that story is wholly disconnected from the actual evidence of life on Earth. That’s especially true when it comes to the origin of life. To be fair, Darwinian Evolution insists it has nothing to do with the question of the origin of life. But …

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Gorilla looking at science data Evolution is a myth

Why Evolution Is A Myth

Materialism is a philosophy that says matter, energy, space, and time can explain everything about the world we live in. Everything. So, it follows that if materialism is true, the only way to explain the existence of life is by rearranging the stuff we find in the physical world. That’s exactly what Darwinian Evolution purports to do. It’s …

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Man Looks Skeptical About Scientism

Defrocking The Priests Of Scientism

The way large church authorities deal with heretics hasn’t changed much over the centuries. They demand adherence to dogma. They threaten or silence those who defy the hierarchy. Finally, they excommunicate those who refuse to submit to their demands. The religion of scientism is no different. Denying its dogma will have consequences. Heresy will be punished. No …

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Lava flow from volcano eruption

Mt. Kilauea Volcano Eruption: Evidence Of Divine Design

Lava pouring through residential neighborhoods. Buildings swallowed up by flaming rock. Houses on fire. The scene looks apocalyptic, more proof that our world is plagued by pointless evil. While natural disasters like this seem gratuitous, Hawaii’s Mt. Kilauea volcano eruption is actually evidence of divine design. At last count, more than 2000 people have had …

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