Category: Horizon

This is where Ground and Sky meet — where scientific implications about reality connect with our human experience as rational, spiritual beings. This section will include essays, practical advice, outlines, teaching guides, and templates for evaluating, discussing, instructing, and applying the Christian worldview to life in the real world. Because the culture is the place where what we believe about reality is reflected and played out, this is also where you will find analysis of cultural trends that tell us a lot about the nature and reliability of our worldview.


Our Descent into the Cult of Self

I don’t do book reviews very often. But in our current culture, I believe that Carl R. Trueman’s, Strange New World: How Thinkers and Activists Redefined Identity and Sparked the Sexual Revolution is a must-read for anyone who’s interested in truth, reality, and critical thinking. That is especially true if you claim to take your Christian …

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Mom holding up baby

Exposing “Pro-Choice” Sophistry

When the Roe-v-Wade decision descended onto the American landscape in January, 1973, Frederica Mathewes-Green, was a self-described “anti-war, mother-earth, feminist, hippie college student” whose car sported a bumper sticker that read, “Don’t Labor Under Misconception; Legalize Abortion.” [i] Three years later, she had done an about-face and has since become one of the pro-life movement’s most eloquent defenders. …

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Janes Revenge

The Rotten Core of Jane’s Revenge

The trouble began before the Supreme Court of the United States’ (SCOTUS) decision on the now-famous Dobbs-v-Jackson case was even officially released. There were protests across the nation, including picketing and death threats aimed at six SCOTUS judges. Police arrested a would-be assassin at the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh. There were similar threats made …

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Transgender Woman

Reality Rules: The Transgender War on Women

Back in the good ‘ole days of 2015, the fight over allowing transgender women to use the women’s bathroom in Charlotte, North Carolina, took center stage in the national political debate. At the time, only a Chicken Little would suggest that mixing gender preference and sexual identity could lead to harmful outcomes. In an article …

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Fertility Matters

Fertility Matters

Nicholas Eberstadt, the Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy at the American Enterprise Institute, is a demographic expert. He has identified some sobering trends that are cause for concern for the future of America. In his article, “Can America Cope with Demographic Decline?”, Eberstadt points out that the traditional attempts to address those worries through government …

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