The Cumulative Case For The Existence of God

The Case For The Existence Of God

Recently, I addressed the question, “Does God Exist?” at Miami (Ohio) University. This talk is a summary of the cumulative case for the existence of God. The talk includes the Cosmological Argument, the Design Argument, and the Moral Argument for God’s existence. This is a lot of material to cram into the 30 minutes I was allotted, but I think it gives strong evidence that we can take theism seriously.

Three Points of Evidence For Theism

The cumulative case is a broad one, but in this talk I focus on three main points:

  • The Cosmological Argument hinges on the scientific evidence that the universe had a beginning. Anything that begins to exist must have a beginner — a cause adequate to explain it.
  • The Design Argument is based on the hundreds of factors that have to be “just right” for advanced life to not only exist, but be sustainable.
  • The Moral Argument focuses on the fact that we all recognize and live as if there are objective moral values and laws we all follow. Those laws infer a lawmaker who put them in place.


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