Tag: Design

Lava flow from volcano eruption

Mt. Kilauea Volcano Eruption: Evidence Of Divine Design

Lava pouring through residential neighborhoods. Buildings swallowed up by flaming rock. Houses on fire. The scene looks apocalyptic, more proof that our world is plagued by pointless evil. While natural disasters like this seem gratuitous, Hawaii’s Mt. Kilauea volcano eruption is actually evidence of divine design. At last count, more than 2000 people have had …

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New Atheist Rebuttals (5)

Hitchens’ Childhood Epiphany Christopher Hitchens begins his screed against God and religion by recounting his awakening, as a 9-year old “insufferable little intellectual,” to the “overreaching” comment of his grade school teacher, Mrs. Watts. The statement that is burned into Hitchens’ memory from that day is this: In an attempt to … fuse her two …

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