One Guy Does Not Go Along With The Crowd

The Tyranny of Scientific Consensus

The week of April 22 – April 29, 2017 was a “week of action” that started with The March For Science. It was brought to us by the steely-eyed, unbiased defenders of reason and “settled science” at 600 locations worldwide. The March was a worship service for the cult of “scientific consensus.” According to The March organizers, their mission was all about:

“A call for science that upholds the common good and for political leaders and policy makers to enact evidence based policies in the public interest.”

Which makes it a little confusing. How did the references to “political leaders,” and “policy makers” make it into a purely scientific mission statement? And get this: The March began with a fiery call to action by Bill Nye. Nye is a mechanical engineer and stand-up comedian who has proven over and over again to have trouble even pretending to be a scientist. It ended with another march that proclaimed its purpose with perfect clarity on its website:

“On the 100th day of Trump’s presidency more than 300,000 people in Washington DC and across the country joined together in a powerful demonstration of unity for jobs, justice, and climate action.”

Science Or Politics?

In summary, we have a non-scientist posing as the spokesman for science. And he does so at a weeklong movement to undermine the public policies of a politician by demanding “jobs, justice, and climate action.”

Maybe it’s just me, but this doesn’t seem all that “scientific.” In fact, it almost sounds like the whole thing has very little to do with science. But it does have a lot to do with Leftist politics. Go listen to The March’s speakers. That’s pretty much all they talked about.

The truth is that this “movement” is meant mainly to empower the wielders of professional hatchets. They aim to destroy careers and reputations. They will attack anyone who dares question the approved “scientific” narrative. These are people who disguise their political agenda behind science. They practice a secularized worship of science called scientism.

When A Scientist Reaches The “Wrong” Conclusion

I love the pursuit of real science. And that compels me to point out a few glaring examples of hypocrisy from those who engage in this charade.

These are the same people who, in 1972, poured out their wrath on John Yudkin. Yudkin is a nutrition expert. He claimed that “if sugar were treated like any other food additive, it would be “promptly banned.” He made the case that it was sugar, not fat, that was the likely cause of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

Big mistake.

Those who control the debate branded Yudkin a shill for the meat and dairy industries. Critics dismissed his work as “emotional assertions,” “science fiction” and “a mountain of nonsense.” Journals refused to publish his papers. He was disinvited to nutrition conferences and ridiculed by the scientific community.

“Prominent nutritionists combined with the food industry to destroy his reputation, and his career never recovered,” wrote Ian Leslie in a lengthy piece titled “The Sugar Conspiracy.”

Professional Enforcers of Scientism

These are the same people who attempted to destroy the career of Guillermo Gonzalez. Gonzalez is a PhD Astronomer who, in 2004, had the audacity to suggest that life on Earth was an extremely unlikely “coincidence.” He argued that the conditions that allow for life on Earth, as well as the those that allow for our discovery of those conditions, are fine-tuned to a degree that defies natural explanation. For his efforts, his employer, Iowa State University, denied him tenure. They did this even though Gonzalez had never once brought up the topic of intelligent design in the classroom.

These are the same people who brought a defamation lawsuit against columnist Mark Steyn for suggesting in a blog post that climate “scientist” Michael Mann manipulated and misrepresented global warming data in his infamous “hockey stick” graph even though that data has since proved to be scientifically fraudulent.

Scientism Meets Human Life

These are the same people have engaged in character assassination project against Dr. Paul R. Mchugh, a Johns Hopkins psychiatrist, who discontinued participation in sex-reassignment surgeries because scientific research showed that to do so was tantamount to “collaborating with madness” and that it led to more detrimental psychological results for the patients it was supposed to be helping.

These are the same people who defend abortion and embryonic stem cell research by denying the scientific fact that every human life begins at the moment of conception — when a unique human being comes into existence — and continues until natural death. This they dismiss as a “fetus” or “clump of cells,” pretending that their rhetoric somehow renders the unborn a non-human.

These are the same people who insist that biology becomes irrelevant when a person of one biological sex “identifies” as a person of the opposite biological sex and wants — no, demands — that all of us play along with their fantasy.

Tyranny Is Not Science

Sadly, there are plenty of cases where secular, Leftist politics trumps science among those who claim to revere scientific objectivity. They worship science as the arbiter of all truth. But they only seem to respect science when it matches their secular agenda. This occurs because Leftist secularism is a vacuous view of the world that denies reality itself. It cannot stand up to rigorous inspection. It can only survive by mandating an approved scientific “consensus.” And then destroying you if you disagree.

One comment

  1. Andrea says:

    Thank you for clarifying the glaring ugly, mindless hypocrisy of the ‘science’ religion. Hitler knew what he was doing and did it well. So do those on the secular Left….as was (and continues to be) evidenced by those in control of the Covid 19 narrative. It’s the Nazi regime all over again. Godspeed to you (and the rest of us) who use critical thinking and our voices of reason to speak against the horrors of today’s ‘scientific consensus’.

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