God Creating World

We Live In A Designer Universe

We live in a designer universe. As discussed elsewhere, the origin of life is just the local manifestation of a bigger picture. A divine hand operates our universe and has been at work in it since its origin. The evidence for intelligent design begins at the macro-level. There are hundreds of factors that have to be fine-tuned for life to exist anywhere within it.

Overwhelming Evidence

The evidence here is staggering. It includes factors from the mass of a proton, to the strength of the force of gravity, to the characteristics of plate tectonics. Scientists call this phenomenon the Anthropic Principle (from the Greek: anthropos – human). The idea is that there are diverse factors that make the universe inhabitable. But it is more than that. As it turns out, many of the same factors also allow for us to be able to observe them. There are so many of these we cannot dismiss them as coincidences. The universe gives the very strong impression that its Designer had human beings in mind.

Pick Your Favorites

As an apologist, you should familiarize yourself with several of these factors. Get comfortable discussing them. The scientific apologetics ministry, Reasons to Believe is an outstanding resource. They have compiled an extensive list of these factors. Pick your favorites and make them your own. This link should keep you busy for a while. There are nearly 1500 factors listed here. The number increases almost daily: RTB Design Compendium.
The video below gives a great analogy about the power of the Anthropic Principle. The speaker, J. Warner Wallace, discusses cosmic fine-tuning and explains how it points to God:



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