Way back in 2004, Jay Richards and Guillermo Gonzalez published The Privileged Planet: How Our Place In The Cosmos Is Designed For Discovery, a captivating book not only about the incredible design that is required in our universe to allow for the existence life itself, but also about how some of the same factors that allow for …
Category: Ground
This section of the site deals with tangible evidence that points to the existence of God. It will explore any area of scientific exploration of the universe we live in, including biology, astronomy, physics, chemistry, history, and archaeology. It will also address areas of philosophy that focus on matters of truth, goodness, and beauty that form the foundation for our ability to understand and operate in that world. Here you will find both theoretical and fact-based implications in support of the case for theism in general and Christianity in particular, as well as critiques of the assumptions of the atheist/materialist view of the world.

The Tyranny of Scientific Consensus
The week of April 22 – April 29, 2017 was a “week of action” that started with The March For Science. It was brought to us by the steely-eyed, unbiased defenders of reason and “settled science” at 600 locations worldwide. The March was a worship service for the cult of “scientific consensus.” According to The March …
Naturalism’s Pre-Scientific Mindset
Back Before Modern Science Weighed In Wintery Knight — the ghost name for the writer of a fantastic blog on defending Christianity and engaging that defense in the public square — has written a succinct, useable outline for how to organize a devastating critique of atheistic naturalism. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with it. …
The Fantasy of Ungrounded Physics
As a follow-up to my last post about Darwinism’s bad week, I also ran across this story … an interview with South African Physicist George Ellis about the philosophical inanity that is regularly spouted by the New Atheist priesthood. Keep in mind that Ellis is not some easily dismissed Christian minister or Intelligent Design proponent …
An Embarrassing Week For The Priests of Darwinian Scientism
It’s been a bad few days for the Priests of the Church of Darwin. First, consider the pivotal example of resistance to malaria that Michael Behe used in his book, The Edge of Evolution, to show that genetic cell mutations could not account for significant, species-protecting evolutionary improvements in a species and therefore undermined the …
Faith of the “Faithless”
To see how this whole misapplication of what faith means plays out, I offer the assertions of the new atheist, Sam Harris, as an example. Sam Harris was compelled to pen The End of Faith on September 12, 2001 and wrote his Letter To A Christian Nation a few years later. He is adamant about …
Ham Fisted Sophistry
The other day I saw a Facebook post which had been “liked” by a friend of mine about how Ken Ham (of Answers in Genesis fame) was lamenting the fact that Bill Nye, the fraudulent “science guy,” has been smack talking him in the media since their infamous recent debate. At first I thought, “Well, there’s a …
Is The Creation Model Viable? — A Debate Between Ken Ham and Bill Nye
Tonight the Creation Museum and debatelive.org hosted a debate between Ken Ham, founder of Answers In Genesis, and Bill Nye, The Science Guy. Those who know me also know that I don’t have much patience with either one of these men for reasons I have detailed in the past here (on Ken Ham) and here (on …
Nothing To Believe In
When it comes to spiritual issues, I am always amazed that people will accept and defend things that they would never, ever accept when addressing any other subject. People will convince themselves (and try to convince you) that the most illogical, nonsensical claims make perfect sense as long as they are attached to religion, spirituality, …
6 Reasons Why Jerry Coyne’s Claims Are Not Persuasive
Recently, I’ve been challenged by a new acquaintance to discuss some of the details and implications of Darwinian Evolution. This is a friendly discussion and I commend my skeptical, truth-seeking friend for his willingness to tackle these issues in a serious, respectful manner. We also agreed to read a couple of books that supported our …