Category: Ground

This section of the site deals with tangible evidence that points to the existence of God. It will explore any area of scientific exploration of the universe we live in, including biology, astronomy, physics, chemistry, history, and archaeology. It will also address areas of philosophy that focus on matters of truth, goodness, and beauty that form the foundation for our ability to understand and operate in that world. Here you will find both theoretical and fact-based implications in support of the case for theism in general and Christianity in particular, as well as critiques of the assumptions of the atheist/materialist view of the world.

An Embarrassing Week For The Priests of Darwinian Scientism

It’s been a bad few days for the Priests of the Church of Darwin. First, consider the pivotal example of resistance to malaria that Michael Behe used in his book, The Edge of Evolution, to show that genetic cell mutations could not account for significant, species-protecting evolutionary improvements in a species and therefore undermined the …

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