Category: Horizon

This is where Ground and Sky meet — where scientific implications about reality connect with our human experience as rational, spiritual beings. This section will include essays, practical advice, outlines, teaching guides, and templates for evaluating, discussing, instructing, and applying the Christian worldview to life in the real world. Because the culture is the place where what we believe about reality is reflected and played out, this is also where you will find analysis of cultural trends that tell us a lot about the nature and reliability of our worldview.

Deconstructing Faith

Dealing With Doubt and Deconstruction

Deconstruction is all the rage. If you’re not familiar with that term, “deconstruction” is the process of disassembling your faith bit-by-bit. The most serious cases result in the deconstructors rejecting their faith altogether. Famous (former) Christians are all over the news because they have made their deconstruction stories public. In fact, if you want to …

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Notre Dame Cathedral Burning

Progressive Christianity: On Fire For God, or Just On Fire?

Recently, the world watched as the Cathedral of Notre Dame burned in downtown Paris. The images were horrifying. But as I watched the story unfold on the news, I couldn’t help but think it was symbolic of a greater trend. Christianity is burning in Europe. And the United States seems hell-bent on following suit. Unfortunately, …

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Fetus At 10 Weeks In The Womb

The Power Of Pro-Life Images

In January 1973, the landmark court case we now know as Roe-v-Wade legalized abortion in America. Some think the case is “settled law.” But those of us who value every human life don’t see it that way. Roe-v-Wade no more settles the moral question of abortion than the infamous Dred Scott decision “settled” the idea that slaves had no right to U. S. …

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Soldiers On A Hill In Afghanistan

Thoughts On Veteran’s Day: Where Love And War Meet

Our military exists to “provide for the common defense … and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” It’s a pretty straightforward mission. Unfortunately, that means military personnel must always be ready to fight wars. We all know this, but very few of us have to deal with its implications. This Veteran’s …

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