This talk is a summary of the cumulative case for the existence of God. It includes the Cosmological Argument, the Design Argument, and the Moral Argument for God's existence.

This talk is a summary of the cumulative case for the existence of God. It includes the Cosmological Argument, the Design Argument, and the Moral Argument for God's existence.
The Anthropic Principle is astounding enough all on its own. But the evidence for theism gets even stronger when we consider the origin of life. This is evidence that has only appeared in the last 60 years. That’s when we discovered that there is a digital code that defines life itself. There is the signature …
We live in a designer universe. As discussed elsewhere, the origin of life is just the local manifestation of a bigger picture. A divine hand operates our universe and has been at work in it since its origin. The evidence for intelligent design begins at the macro-level. There are hundreds of factors that have to be …
Big Bang cosmology isn’t the only scientific evidence that the universe had a beginning. There are parallel laws of nature that point us to the same conclusion. We get one of them from the study of thermodynamics. This is not something that is hard to comprehend. You already understand it because you have to charge …
Way back in 2004, Jay Richards and Guillermo Gonzalez published The Privileged Planet: How Our Place In The Cosmos Is Designed For Discovery, a captivating book not only about the incredible design that is required in our universe to allow for the existence life itself, but also about how some of the same factors that allow for …
The week of April 22 – April 29, 2017 was a “week of action” that started with The March For Science. It was brought to us by the steely-eyed, unbiased defenders of reason and “settled science” at 600 locations worldwide. The March was a worship service for the cult of “scientific consensus.” According to The March …
There are two basic views (and some sub-categories of each) about how to understand the relationship between the brain and the mind. The first, physicalism, says that the mind is nothing more than an extension of the brain. The second, dualism, says that the mind and brain are different things altogether. Physicalism insists that there is no difference between …
Back Before Modern Science Weighed In Wintery Knight — the ghost name for the writer of a fantastic blog on defending Christianity and engaging that defense in the public square — has written a succinct, useable outline for how to organize a devastating critique of atheistic naturalism. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with it. …
As a follow-up to my last post about Darwinism’s bad week, I also ran across this story … an interview with South African Physicist George Ellis about the philosophical inanity that is regularly spouted by the New Atheist priesthood. Keep in mind that Ellis is not some easily dismissed Christian minister or Intelligent Design proponent …
It’s been a bad few days for the Priests of the Church of Darwin. First, consider the pivotal example of resistance to malaria that Michael Behe used in his book, The Edge of Evolution, to show that genetic cell mutations could not account for significant, species-protecting evolutionary improvements in a species and therefore undermined the …