the celebrity and the psychopath

The Christian Celebrity And The Psychopath

If you were looking for a completely trustworthy Christian apologist to follow, would you pick someone who had risen to the status of global celebrity because of his unparalleled ability to articulate the Gospel? Or would you gravitate toward someone who is a well-documented and self-confessed psychopath? The best choice is not as obvious as it might at first seem. In this case, I’d pick the psychopath. And I say that based on the advice of … the psychopath. But if that sounds strange to you, keep reading.

The Christian Celebrity

This past month we learned that the world-famous Christian apologist, Ravi Zacharias, led a double life. The ministry he founded, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), has admitted as much. On one hand, Ravi was a gifted communicator of the Gospel. A deep thinker. He defended the faith with clarity and a wealth of experience he drew from an eclectic cultural background. He was the complete package. A man who could handle the most aggressive skeptic with humility, grace, and truth. He was a model apologist. The kind of person every defender of Christianity longs to emulate.

At least on the outside.

Behind closed doors, it turns out that Ravi was a pervert. An abuser of women. His creepy sexual proclivities have been exposed for the world to see. Ravi’s post-mortem fall from grace is sad. But it is also proof that the prophet Jeremiah was right when he wrote (Jeremiah 17:9) that “the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?”

The Psychopath

Though not as popular as Ravi Zacharias, David Wood is also a phenomenal communicator. He is best known as the go-to guy on the subject of Islam. But there is way more to David Wood than that. Wood has a PhD in Philosophy of Religion with a concentration on “the problem of evil.” He’s an expert on that subject too — mostly because he has lived his entire life as a psychopath. That’s not my opinion. It’s a clinical diagnosis. You can listen to his testimony about it here. The thirty-four minutes you spend doing so will blow your mind.

David Wood feels no emotion when his pets die or, for that matter, when his friends die. He admits to his struggles at being a husband and a father. In his words, he is a “screwed up individual.” He gives details for why he says that here (starting at the 30:30 time mark).

Wood tried to bludgeon his father to death with a ball-peen hammer. He served time in prison as a result. That’s where he met Randy, a fellow prisoner and Christian who challenged him to answer questions. To think about the implications of his self-proclaimed atheism. Wood idolized reason and rationality. But Randy forced him to reason his way to the existence of objective morality — and to its Source. His story is a powerful example of why pursuing the truth should be our primary objective. It’s a reminder that Truth is found in Jesus of Nazareth … and only in Him.

Reacting To Ravi

The case of Ravi Zacharias has received a lot of press. Some of it comes from Ravi sycophants who deny the charges against him. People in that camp have to believe that multiple women around the world, all interviewed privately, have miraculously come up with identical descriptions of his methods and tastes. Continuing to believe that is just delusional.

Then there are the critics of Christianity who are weaponizing Ravi’s story. It’s just the latest iteration of the false argument which claims that hypocritical Christians render Christianity unbelievable. That’s ridiculous. As David Wood put it: “If you tell me that 2 + 2 = 4 and then punch me in the mouth, that shouldn’t make me doubt that 2 + 2 = 4. And if you tell me that 2 + 2 = 5 and then buy me a new car, that shouldn’t make me start believing that 2 + 2 = 5.”

The truth Ravi articulated is still the truth, even if it came out of the mouth of a diabolical sexual predator.

Those are the extremes. The more reasonable and predictable commentary has come from those who have given wise advice about personal and professional accountability. No one who claims to be a minister of the Gospel should ever have demanded the unchecked liberty Ravi Zacharias did. And no ministry leadership team should ever have allowed him to receive it. Both Ravi and RZIM are responsible for the consequences. The heart to which Jeremiah 17:9 refers lives in all of us. Even those who are Christian “celebrities.”

Contrasting Characters

Pride is a powerful drug. It allowed Ravi Zacharias to rationalize his own perversions. And he used the reach of his global ministry as justification for covering them up. After all, millions of people would be “disappointed” if the women he abused told the world what he was doing. Thus, the Christian celebrity spiraled deeper and deeper into a sewer of his own creation, and never admitted he was drowning. No apologies. No remorse.

Meanwhile, the unemotional rationality of a psychopath led him to recognize his own vulnerability to the pitfalls of pride. In this case at least, he is the one to trust. But in his wisdom he knows better than to encourage us to trust him. Instead, his message is a word of warning: Don’t place your trust in any man.

The Unchanging Truth

Celebrity status has never been a measure of moral virtue. Ravi Zacharias is certainly not the first Christian celebrity to prove that point. And he won’t be the last.

Neither does being a sinner negate anyone’s capacity to know and live the truth … even if they’re a psychopath.

The lesson for all of us here is that the truth, goodness, and beauty of Christianity don’t reside in any human being. They rest only on the objective reality that is their Source — the character of God himself. Men will disappoint you. But the Truth doesn’t change.

And it never will.


  1. jerome m bushey says:

    Another timely and informative article Bob. Thanks for the great read. This is the first time I’ve heard of David Wood. I’ll listen to the link you’ve provided later on. As for Ravi, my first reaction was disbelief, which turned to sorrow, and finally anger and disgust. I watched a video from Josh McDowell a friend of Ravi’s who articulated on the revelations that have come out. I totally agree with you, that the messenger should not be idolized. It is the message, in the person of Jesus Christ, we need to keep our eyes and hearts upon. In Ravi’s case it wasn’t just a single affair that he repented of. It was a grotesque lifestyle. Which has to make one wonder if there was any regeneration to begin with. I believe these types of behaviours should never be swept under the rug, no matter who it may be. They should be brought to the public’s attention, and condemned as UnGodly. We all have our favorite pastors/teachers. We should never cover up, nor excuse behaviour like this, even if one our favorites is found to be involved. Here is a link to the Josh McDowell interview in case you’re interested in viewing it.

    • Bob Perry says:

      Thanks, Jerry. I did see Sean’s interview with his dad. What really struck me about it was that Josh said that if someone had described what happened and asked him who he thought it was about, the last person he would have thought it would be was Ravi Zacharias.

      I always admired his delivery and depth of knowledge. It’s sad and sickening to learn about what he was doing behind the scenes. There will be a lot of damage as a result.

      Thanks for reading.

  2. Dawne says:

    Ok, wow…wow. First, I had no idea Ravi had died. Second, I have always appreciated how he delivered God’s word. Third, I am heart broken and ponder the Jeremiah verse even more. Finally, while not watching the news this last year has had many benefits, I clearly have missed a few things.

    Good food for thought looking at both Ravi and David. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 🙂 d

  3. Edmund says:

    Excellent Bob! I have listened to Dave Wood before and he has a wealth of knowledge of the Koran and Islam. I did not know his background. Eye opening! Thanks brother!

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