Greg Koukl is famous for comparing a worldview to a giant jigsaw puzzle. The top of the box is our picture of reality. The puzzle only makes sense if all its pieces are in the right place. Some people are trying to fit pieces in places where they don’t belong. Some people have the wrong …
Author: Bob Perry
There Goes The Sun
Way back in 2004, Jay Richards and Guillermo Gonzalez published The Privileged Planet: How Our Place In The Cosmos Is Designed For Discovery, a captivating book not only about the incredible design that is required in our universe to allow for the existence life itself, but also about how some of the same factors that allow for …
The Tyranny of Scientific Consensus
The week of April 22 – April 29, 2017 was a “week of action” that started with The March For Science. It was brought to us by the steely-eyed, unbiased defenders of reason and “settled science” at 600 locations worldwide. The March was a worship service for the cult of “scientific consensus.” According to The March …
Buried Treasure
Yesterday I completed a project that I have been putting off for months when I finally brought in some topsoil to regrade a spot in our backyard, seeded it, covered it with straw, and set up a sprinkler to water the new grass to life. As you can see, the shape of the area in …