Category: Bioethics

Analyzing the arguments and evidence for moral clarity on issues regarding human exceptionalism and respect for human life. Here we will look at issues like Embryonic Stem Cell Research (ESCR), human cloning, and end of life decisions.

Mom holding up baby

Exposing “Pro-Choice” Sophistry

When the Roe-v-Wade decision descended onto the American landscape in January, 1973, Frederica Mathewes-Green, was a self-described “anti-war, mother-earth, feminist, hippie college student” whose car sported a bumper sticker that read, “Don’t Labor Under Misconception; Legalize Abortion.” [i] Three years later, she had done an about-face and has since become one of the pro-life movement’s most eloquent defenders. …

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Janes Revenge

The Rotten Core of Jane’s Revenge

The trouble began before the Supreme Court of the United States’ (SCOTUS) decision on the now-famous Dobbs-v-Jackson case was even officially released. There were protests across the nation, including picketing and death threats aimed at six SCOTUS judges. Police arrested a would-be assassin at the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh. There were similar threats made …

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Revisiting Francis Collins – Bioethics

As I mentioned in my last post, Francis Collins has announced that he will resign as Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) by the end of 2021. The reverberations of COVID-19 that have led him to that decision contain political elements that I will refrain from addressing. But on a blog that exists …

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Fetus At 10 Weeks In The Womb

The Power Of Pro-Life Images

In January 1973, the landmark court case we now know as Roe-v-Wade legalized abortion in America. Some think the case is “settled law.” But those of us who value every human life don’t see it that way. Roe-v-Wade no more settles the moral question of abortion than the infamous Dred Scott decision “settled” the idea that slaves had no right to U. S. …

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Abortion By The Numbers

As a follow-up to my last post, and thanks to an article that my fellow CIA agent (and classmate), John Ferrer, contributed in the latest issue of  Salvo Magazine (“The Big Kill,” Salvo Issue 34, p. 10), I’ve found a new resource for showing people the impact of abortion. In a format similar to the …

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