Category: Sky

The universe we live in is logical. It is moral. We comprehend it as conscious, rational beings. The most important aspects of reality are the things we cannot see, taste, touch, hear, or smell. These are the things that make life meaningful. This section will explore consciousness, ethics, values, the soul, and what it means to be a “spiritual” being operating in the world in accordance with the words of Scripture.

Thinking Allowed

I have been challenged recently (on several fronts — some just internally) about the purpose and usefulness of Christian apologetics. I don’t take the challenge lightly. Some who have challenged me have given me some food for thought about how I approach my Christian convictions and I take their critiques seriously. I know for a …

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Moses, the writer of the Genesis creation account, used the word nephesh (Hebrew: soul, self, life, creature, mind, living being, desire, emotion, passion) to describe the creation of the most advanced animal life next to man. These creatures are sometimes described as the “soulish” animals; those that display a mind, will, and emotion. They differ …

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New Atheists (6); Apples To Oranges

Sam Harris despises religion — so much so that he has blinded himself to an intellectually honest assessment about the differences between them. To put that claim in context, Harris (as discussed earlier here), misunderstands the concept of condemnation to hell and, because of that misunderstanding, believes his in-your-face his chest beating has some force …

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New Atheist Rebuttals (5)

Hitchens’ Childhood Epiphany Christopher Hitchens begins his screed against God and religion by recounting his awakening, as a 9-year old “insufferable little intellectual,” to the “overreaching” comment of his grade school teacher, Mrs. Watts. The statement that is burned into Hitchens’ memory from that day is this: In an attempt to … fuse her two …

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