Technology is not an enemy of Christianity. It never has been. But the so-called “Big Tech” stranglehold on our culture is another matter. When I say, “Big-Tech” I mean something very specific. I’m talking about the power of three technology giants — Facebook, Twitter, and Google — which dominate our culture today. These companies regulate what we see and believe to be important. Sometimes that means they do so by not showing us things. Either way, they control our collective mindset. And for reasons explained below, that is a dangerous truth that needs to be addressed. People of faith need to band together to address it. And Christian thinkers should lead the revolt against Big Tech.
Too “Worldly”?
No doubt, some Christians will think this is ridiculous. Technology, they’ll say, has no bearing on how we live out our Christian faith. And Christians shouldn’t be involved in a “revolt” against anything. They’ll accuse me of “worldly” thinking.
To which I would reply, “Exactly.”
Hear me out. I know it is a Christianese article of faith to give the word “worldly” a negative connotation. But I don’t. When I say “worldly,” I am talking about engaging with the world. It’s as simple as that. I am not talking about embracing the way the world thinks. And that’s the point.
These Big Tech companies are doing more than messing with our internet searches and news content. They are shaping the way the entire culture sees the world. And if you don’t understand the impact that can have on religious liberty and your ability to practice and preach about your faith, you’re just not paying attention.
Identifying the Problem
If you have 42:00 minutes, I encourage you to watch this speech by Peter Rex at Hillsdale College. To be honest, he is not a dynamic speaker. (He is more engaging in the 20:00 minutes of Q&A time after the speech). But the content of his talk is what’s important. It’s eye-opening. And I will summarize it below …
The problem with Big Tech is that it demands conformity. Conformity is not bad in and of itself. We all belong to groups where we agree to conform to rules and behaviors. When you play golf, there are rules you are supposed to conform to. When you drive a car, your safety depends on the conformity of other drivers.
Big Tech’s conformity is different. It’s about conformity of thought — and intolerance for those who think differently. It has the means and the power to demand ideological conformity. And because we live in such a technocentric culture, it can impose that ideology on all of us whether we agree to it or not.
The Origins of Tech Conformity
Peter Rex is a product of Big Tech. He was Ivy League-educated and worked in Silicon Valley. But as his career progressed, he became uncomfortable with the kind of conformity he saw being practiced all around him.
It turns out that almost all the leaders and workers in the Big Tech world go to college at a tiny handful of Ivy League universities. And what Peter Rex noticed was that these universities do more than educate their students. They indoctrinate them. That program of indoctrination is hostile to critical thinking in general, and to the Judeo-Christian worldview specifically. And it’s getting worse. The proof of this is in the pudding.
A 1968 study of Ivy League universities put the liberal-to-conservative ratio of professors in history departments at 3-to-1. But a more recent (2017) study of 40 leading universities found that among professors age 65 and older, liberals now outnumber conservatives by 10-to-1. And for scholars under the age of 36, the ratio is 23-to-1. If you want to look at it from the perspective of political parties, a recent study on political donations at 31 leading private and public universities (from the Federal Election Commission database) found a Democrat-to-Republican ratio of 95:1, with only 22 Republican donors. That’s compared with 2,081 Democratic donors.
Another study of party affiliation found the ratio of Democrat-to-Republican professors in the Communications field at 108-to-0.
Yes, zero.
I don’t say this to promote any political position. The point is that the universities — those places we send our young people to broaden their minds and teach them to think critically — should never be this lopsided in either direction.
Big Tech Homogeneity
Once these students become Big Tech employees, the ideological indoctrination not only continues; it intensifies. The vast majority of Big Tech companies reside in two urban centers — San Francisco and Seattle. Thus, the Big Tech “bubble” is not just ideological, but also geographical. People who share the same thinking on almost every level, also live and work in the same places. Their view of the world is reinforced in every possible way. It’s a world where opposing views don’t really even need to be silenced.
These people never hear them.
The companies they run, and the algorithms they use to feed their business models, are incomprehensibly profitable. Those profits fuel their marketing machines, confirming (in their eyes) the purity of their causes. Dissenting views are not tolerated. And the cycle of navel-gazing self-righteousness perpetuates itself.
This is important. Remember that the fuel for Big Tech control over what we see and think is money. Remove the profits and the self-inflated bubble can’t help but collapse.
This is where the Big Tech powerhouses impact not only Christians but traditional religious believers of every kind. Remember, the homogenous Big Tech view of the world is hostile to the Judeo-Christian worldview and its values. And that means that forced conformity impacts all of us in three specific ways.
- Censorship — Big Tech has a virtual monopoly on social media and marketing. By demanding conformity in the way almost everyone interacts with the world, it is able to manipulate how billions of people think. It not only promotes a specific point of view, it also limits what people can see, say, or hear from other points of view. There’s a term for this practice. It’s called censorship.
- No Accountability — Because Big Tech has virtually no competition, and because all its constituents share the same views, there is no one to hold it accountable. There are no consequences for imposing conformity on the rest of us.
- Limited Opposition — In the eyes of the leaders of Big Tech, anyone outside their marketing empire who dares question its doctrines must be an uneducated bigot. No thinking person could possibly oppose them. Those who dare to do so must be silenced and/or de-platformed. No dissent allowed!
Limiting Progress
The irony in all this is that the Big Tech elite believe they are being “progressive.” That they are leading us all to a brighter — if not utopian — future. But the consequences of their actions are not in the least bit “progressive.” By controlling society’s unfettered access to information they are, by definition, stifling human flourishing. This is morally repugnant. But there is an insidious aspect of all this that is even more ironic.
Big Tech is hobbling the supposed progressivism … of Big Tech. How so?
Those who run Big Tech don’t believe in the value and power of human diversity. They think they know better how people should act and what they should think. That’s bad enough. But what’s worse is that Big Tech exploits the many to enrich a few. They sell your personal data. They purposefully generate controversy by showing you the most fringe examples of those with whom you disagree. And they do this for one reason. It causes conflict. Conflict encourages clicks. And clicks generate revenue.
Big Tech literally enriches a small group of elitists by tearing the rest of us apart. If you doubt it, watch the Netflix documentary, “The Social Dilemma.” It’s telling that Big Tech social media leaders won’t let their own kids be on social media.
Why Christians Should Care
None of these are minor issues. And they aren’t just inconveniences.
Remember, Big Tech is hostile to people with a Judeo-Christian view of the world. And when you think that through, you realize that there are even bigger implications than the inconvenience of getting your news source blocked, your Facebook post removed, or your account suspended. The Judeo-Christian worldview is the foundation for Western Civilization. It’s the basis for human rights and tolerance, even among those who are not believers. It’s what brought us freedom of expression and free inquiry.
Left to its own devices, Big Tech will have the means and the motive to stifle religious liberty, punish religious believers, and forbid us from practicing our faith in the public square. Google already collaborates with Communist China and its military to limit what is available to the Chinese people with their search engine and to develop new surveillance technologies. Facebook suppresses news stories that go against its “approved” political ideology. Twitter does the same. If you want to know where that leads we have a modern-day example to consider. It’s called North Korea.
This is a problem whether you’re a religious believer or not. But Big Tech — and technology itself — is not going away. That means that, as Christians, we need to not only understand the issues, we need to generate responses and offer solutions. The revolt against Big Tech will come when we implement those solutions en masse.
That will be the topic of my next post.
As always, I welcome your thoughts and comments …
a system itself is not a enemy. It can be used for good, but suckerburg is literally changing the election by paying for things where it can change the results of the election. They delete one persons opinions which is like gagging you.
So how that works is, all that you just wrote would appear to you to be on line but no one sees it. People put names to all that But its interference. So Big Tech has only a few boys at the top who make choices.. Like CNN who was just caught on tape (someone on the daily call from the boss was recorded) they make real choices they do not lay mute or stay neutral.
This is the problem. You may think Big Tech is fine and the machine if run fair is great, but when its not neutral its not a friend of Christianity. Technology is good for Christianity. Big Tech at this point is partisan and is a force against Christianity. Still we can use it As you and I are doing right now. Just everyone else will get to use it a bit more than you and I.
I completely agree. I didn’t want the post to be too long so I didn’t get into all that. Some of what you say is the subject of my next post. There are alternatives that will allow us to continue to have online “communities,” share things with one another, and interact much the same as we do now. But the alternatives do two things differently: 1) They take the product (you) — and therefore REVENUE — away from the Big Tech overlords that want to silence us and, 2) They don’t collect/sell your data unless YOU make the decision to allow them to do it.
Most of them are still in their infancy. They don’t have as many features. They are mostly populated by ideologues from the opposite point of view. But, as more and more of us abandon the Big Tech thought police, those alternatives will become more diverse and enjoyable. My point about the revolt against Big Tech is that we begin to strip it of its power.
Thanks for the comment.
just so you know. I have never had my Utube channel suspended. Until today.
last week I had my good lap top freeze like it was attacked, I ended up having to reset it. It was difficult. (I used to build computers so I had some experience so I got it back with some help.)
Then while using my Old Laptop in the lurch The exact same attack happened but I was able to get that back faster cause it was a older version of windows. and the crap version 10 wasn’t on it.
And now today My Utube is attacked or should I say I was censored. I regularly share my faith and I rarely use hard language unless there is a troll like suckerburg trying to harass me. And then at best I tell them to blow it out their ear or go live in their mothers basement.. something like that..
But because I am a Trump supporter and not a Suckerburg supporter. Utube and the Tyrants in control using the peoples internet has let some Democrat likely report me and now some goon with a delete Key has blocked my Utube.
So before you go any farther.. Back up all your personal files on a USB. Then use a larger USB to back up all your basic programs AND may yourself a boot USB so that when they attack your computer you can get it up and running and re-load all your information.
Let all people be aware, Don’t be naive. just cause you have a password doesn’t mean they don’t have total access in one way or another. They are Billion dollar companies with people able to make moon landers in charge of their programs. They didn’t make any of it without them being in full control.
Oh for the days where we had vic 20’s and a cassette tap to play packman.
Sorry to hear of your travails with Big Tech. And, considering I have much of my writing backed up on Google Drive, you reminded me that I need to do something about that … quickly.
Other than all that, all I have to say is, “I rest my case…”
Here is another warning.. we do not put locks on our doors keep a cash drawer behind the counter, have security for the President, the second amendment to be able to stand up to Tyranny cause everyone is all love and hugs. Why is there a secret ballot? Because if you put your face and name on the ballot people might come to your door and remove you from the voting roll. target your kids. Scratch your car, put cuts in your tires and target your wife.
Tyranny is serious. because of partisanship gone extreme, its not some conspiracy. its happening every day.
when I was 15 years old, this is over 35 years ago, some guys at work then nailed me to a lift of wood long story, abut their drug us.. Anyways, If you are not careful partisans will nail you to a cross. Or in the case of Martin Luther they will chase you to France. Lucky that King protected him. So protect yourself! they are making black lists, they are suing Trump supporters. Obama used the IRS to target Christian groups.. Get off the could servers and back up your stuff onto a drive not hooked up to the internet. make a USB start up usb and back up your programs on another drive as well. Cheers!
Your article is thoughtful and compassionate. Most are busy working, caring for family, and trying as best we can to live our lives. It seems clear we who are paying attention are now being forced to face these issues in a different way. You connect together some very important ideas. As it stands now, we can be systematically screened and ‘canceled’ one IP address at a time. We need to be proactive in connecting together as neighbors with similar moral values but diversity in thought, strengths, and cultures. I can’t help but to grieve for the hardship that will result from more and more being forced into an empty and lonely conformity. I hear your compassion in trying to pull people from the conformity quicksand before they go under.
Thanks, Mark. I appreciate the kind words. The question is, “What can we do about it.” And I’m afraid the answer is, “Not much.” But we have to try. And if enough of us do, maybe we can swing this pendulum back in the other direction. That’s the topic of my next post. Cheers …