Big Tech is hostile to the Judeo-Christian worldview. As such, it is a threat to the free exchange of ideas, religious liberty, and our ability to practice and talk about our faith publicly. For those reasons, I’ve made the case that Christians should lead the revolt against Big Tech. But how can we do that? …
Author: Bob Perry
The Case For A Revolt Against Big Tech
Technology is not an enemy of Christianity. It never has been. But the so-called “Big Tech” stranglehold on our culture is another matter. When I say, “Big-Tech” I mean something very specific. I’m talking about the power of three technology giants — Facebook, Twitter, and Google — which dominate our culture today. These companies regulate …
The Politics of Limiting Evil
The political silly season is upon us. And that means it’s time to vote. But don’t buy into the mindset that voting just means choosing between “the lesser of two evils.” Of course, it does. As long as you are voting for fallible human beings, that will always be the case. (I mean, have you …
The Cure For Progressive Christianity
Progressive Christianity is a cancer that is metastasizing inside the contemporary American church. Alisa Childers‘ new book, Another Gospel?, is smart chemotherapy. It identifies the symptoms of the disease. And it targets the tumors. Be warned though. If you or your church are suffering from this cancer, the cure might make you feel sick. Read …
The Importance Of A Balanced Faith
It is very easy to get engrossed in all the arguments for God. People like me love to demonstrate the scientific and philosophical evidence for God. And there are good reasons for us to expose the ethical vacuum we create when we remove God from the culture. These are the kinds of things on which …
The World On The Other Side of This Pandemic
The world is an unpredictable place. But we pretend it isn’t. We like to envision our future and plan our steps, pretending we know how we’ll get there. But the stories we write for ourselves rest on assumptions about how the world works and our place in it. And those assumptions tend to be cheery …
The Relationship Between Christianity And War
This is the time of year we honor our military veterans. I have a lot of veterans in my family and five sons who currently serve. I celebrate Veteran’s Day proudly on November 11th. But as a defender of the Christian worldview, doing so also brings up a difficult tension in my thinking. Jesus taught …
The Significance Of Our Place In the Universe
On February 14, 1990, the Voyager I spacecraft took the picture you see above from the fringes of our Solar System. The unremarkable little dot inside the circle is the Earth. It would be easy to miss. But don’t let the size of that dot trick you into misinterpreting its significance. Secular scientists demand that …
Materialism Cannot Explain the Origin of Life on Earth
As I’ve discussed elsewhere, Darwinian Evolution tells a great story. But that story is wholly disconnected from the actual evidence of life on Earth. That’s especially true when it comes to the origin of life. To be fair, Darwinian Evolution insists it has nothing to do with the question of the origin of life. But …
Why Evolution Is A Myth
Materialism is a philosophy that says matter, energy, space, and time can explain everything about the world we live in. Everything. So, it follows that if materialism is true, the only way to explain the existence of life is by rearranging the stuff we find in the physical world. That’s exactly what Darwinian Evolution purports to do. It’s …