If you claim to believe the Bible, you better be able to trust that what it says is true. Trusting the Bible means knowing two things. First, that the original authors recorded historically accurate information. And, second, knowing that the Bible we have today contains what the original authors wrote down. “Textual criticism” is the …
Author: Bob Perry
Apollo 11 and The Human Spirit
Fifty years ago, at 10:56 PM Eastern time, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first human beings to set foot on another heavenly body. I was a nine-year-old little boy playing Monopoly with my parents. They let me stay up that night. And together we watched what to this day I consider to be …
Living In A Post-Truth Culture
I’ve made the case that truth, goodness, and beauty are objective features of the world we live in. Hopefully, you’ve found that to be interesting. But please don’t think this is just an esoteric triviality. It’s not. We are living in a post-truth culture. But it’s a place where the objective nature of truth, goodness, …
We Live In A Beautiful World
In classical thinking, saying that something is beautiful is not a matter of subjective opinion. It’s a way to identify an objective feature of the world. We don’t construct beauty; we discover it. And we try to mimic it. A lot of ink has gone to paper discussing this view when it comes to truth …
The Reality of Objective Good
Moral principles are foundational to reality. They also include topics that will be the most likely sources of skepticism, disillusionment, debate, and objection you will ever encounter. In order to understand, articulate, and defend the truth of Christianity, you have to be able to explain the foundation for moral values. Why is there evil in …
Progressive Christianity: On Fire For God, or Just On Fire?
Recently, the world watched as the Cathedral of Notre Dame burned in downtown Paris. The images were horrifying. But as I watched the story unfold on the news, I couldn’t help but think it was symbolic of a greater trend. Christianity is burning in Europe. And the United States seems hell-bent on following suit. Unfortunately, …
Faith Doesn’t Save You
People misunderstand the concept of faith these days. Atheists mock it as a blind leap. To them, faith is nothing more than belief without evidence. Maybe even belief in spite of the evidence. Unfortunately, too many Christians play right into the atheist caricature. They say they don’t need evidence for their faith. They “just believe.” …
Defrocking The Priests Of Scientism
The way large church authorities deal with heretics hasn’t changed much over the centuries. They demand adherence to dogma. They threaten or silence those who defy the hierarchy. Finally, they excommunicate those who refuse to submit to their demands. The religion of scientism is no different. Denying its dogma will have consequences. Heresy will be punished. No …
The Power Of Pro-Life Images
In January 1973, the landmark court case we now know as Roe-v-Wade legalized abortion in America. Some think the case is “settled law.” But those of us who value every human life don’t see it that way. Roe-v-Wade no more settles the moral question of abortion than the infamous Dred Scott decision “settled” the idea that slaves had no right to U. S. …
On Congress, The Oath Of Office, And The Bible
Last week, 535 members of the 116th U. S. Congress were sworn into office. But only two seemed to make the news. That’s because they chose not to honor the tradition of placing their left hands on the Bible when they took the oath of office. If you’re a committed Christian, you probably wish they …