Category: Bible

Was The Original Creation Perfect

Was God’s Original Creation Perfect?

There is, and probably always will be, a debate going on between sincere Christians about the age of the Universe. I think I’ve made my position on that issue very clear. But at the core of the disagreement between the so-called “Old Earth” (OE) and “Young Earth” (YE) Creationists is their respective views of “Death …

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Connecting our two-storied world

Christmas: The Cure For Our Two-Storied World

Even people who don't celebrate Christmas seem to know what it's about -- the birth of a Savior who comes to rescue us from the consequences of our rebellion against Him. Ultimately, that means it's part of God's rescue plan and where we go when we die. But there's another aspect to Christmas that I think is important too. It's also about showing us how to live. And right-living depends on how we think. Unfortunately, our thinking is infused with lies that we've accepted as being part of "the human condition." And believing those lies results in dissension, oppression, racism, political wrangling, class struggle, economic strife, and war. Sadly, it's all part of the gravest story ever told. Christmas offers an antidote to the effects of that story too.

The story started in The Garden. And we've been repeating it to each other ever since. It thrives on divided minds. But we are designed to be united. God and man. Husband and wife. Body and soul. Physical and spiritual. The division we experience is a symptom of wrong thinking about the nature of reality. But there is a way to fix it. Christmas shows us how. It's the cure for our two-storied world.

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We can trust the New Testament

Twelve Reasons You Can Trust The New Testament

If you claim to believe the Bible, you better be able to trust that what it says is true. Trusting the Bible means knowing two things. First, that the original authors recorded historically accurate information. And, second, knowing that the Bible we have today contains what the original authors wrote down. “Textual criticism” is the …

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