Category: Christian Living

Applying the knowledge and implications of Ground and Sky to the way we should be living our lives if they are true. This section will address matters of ethics, education, and biblical application.

Deconstructing Faith

Dealing With Doubt and Deconstruction

Deconstruction is all the rage. If you’re not familiar with that term, “deconstruction” is the process of disassembling your faith bit-by-bit. The most serious cases result in the deconstructors rejecting their faith altogether. Famous (former) Christians are all over the news because they have made their deconstruction stories public. In fact, if you want to …

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Spiritual Disorientation

Three Signs Of The Church’s Spiritual Disorientation

It is a scary thing to be disoriented. At best, it means you’re headed in the wrong direction. But if you’re flying airplanes, it means you have no reference to the ground. You can’t navigate. You may not even know which way is up. In other words, being disoriented is not just an annoyance. It’s …

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