We like to make fun of millennials in the "snowflake generation." I must admit that I have been guilty of joining the mockery. But it was my generation who created the snowflakes. And there aren't as many as you think.

We like to make fun of millennials in the "snowflake generation." I must admit that I have been guilty of joining the mockery. But it was my generation who created the snowflakes. And there aren't as many as you think.
Politics is tearing us apart. But this past week a strange thing happened. We saw that humility, decency, and forgiveness can overcome political differences. The cure to our cultural incivility is recognizing that we all share being made in the image of God.
Have you spent much time thinking about marriage lately? You should. It doesn’t matter if a wedding is something in your future or in your past. It doesn’t even matter if you have no intention of ever getting married. The fact is that the institution of marriage is important to us all. Our culture has …
When it comes to matters of faith, morality, and values, the culture is a dangerous place for our kids. We have a duty to protect them. But too many Christian parents interpret that duty as a mandate to isolate them and shield them from the world. That isn’t biblical and it doesn’t work. Statistics prove it. …
Jesus is the Logos. The Logos is a combination of truth, goodness, and beauty. Truth, goodness, and beauty are the references that give us a grounded Christian spirituality. That’s the True Horizon model — spirituality based on an accurate picture of the world. But what does a spirituality grounded in the real world look like? …
I have made the case that the church is suffering from spiritual disorientation. There are many Christians who are flying through this life in much the same way as a pilot who is spatially disoriented. Like that pilot, they’ve lost all reference to the ground. And that’s a dangerous position to be in. The first …
It is a scary thing to be disoriented. At best, it means you’re headed in the wrong direction. But if you’re flying airplanes, it means you have no reference to the ground. You can’t navigate. You may not even know which way is up. In other words, being disoriented is not just an annoyance. It’s …
In June of 2018, a Colorado baker named Jack Phillips won his case in the U. S. Supreme Court. The case stemmed from his refusal to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding ceremony. But it’s not over. Immediately thereafter, a transgender woman targeted Phillips again. She wanted him to bake a cake for the anniversary celebration …
Too many Christians are reluctant to admit they have doubts about what they claim to believe. Too many non-believers think doubt disqualifies a life of faith altogether. Both are wrong. Having doubts is part of the human condition. In fact, reasonable doubt puts you in the company of faithful giants. A case study may show …
Here’s a question I got recently: “It has always bothered me that I am a sinful human. None of my good efforts, leading a good life can deter sin. I was born with sin and I have to be forgiven? I don’t get that. Why am I a ‘sinner’ and why do I need to …