Author: Bob Perry


Revisiting Francis Collins – Bioethics

As I mentioned in my last post, Francis Collins has announced that he will resign as Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) by the end of 2021. The reverberations of COVID-19 that have led him to that decision contain political elements that I will refrain from addressing. But on a blog that exists …

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DNA Molecule

Revisiting Francis Collins – Theistic Evolution

The Language of God is a thoughtful biography of Francis Collins‘ journey from hard-core atheist to devout Christian. It’s also a well-written analysis of the relationship between science and faith. So, in the wake of recent news reports about Collins’ impending resignation as Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), I dusted off an …

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the celebrity and the psychopath

The Christian Celebrity And The Psychopath

If you were looking for a completely trustworthy Christian apologist to follow, would you pick someone who had risen to the status of global celebrity because of his unparalleled ability to articulate the Gospel? Or would you gravitate toward someone who is a well-documented and self-confessed psychopath? The best choice is not as obvious as …

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Redemption in Prison

Killing Homicide: On Missing Fathers & Redemption In Prison

The senses recoil when you walk into a high-security prison. A pungent mix of mildew, old food, and rancid mop water buries itself in your nostrils. Drab cinderblock walls and cracked linoleum floors stretch to infinity, screaming of dehumanization. But the faces and body language of those who watch you walk by are the most …

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